The Exportadora Guaxupé (Guaxupé Exporter) is proud to be a family dedicated to the coffee business. The history of the group begins earlier than its foundation in 1970, with Mr. Olavo Barbosa pioneering. Born in Gaxupé, Minas Gerais, it was Mr. Olavo who began the group’s activity. As a farmer’s son, who used to produce coffee and milk, he began to work early, at 16 years old, at the Companhia Brasileira de Café Moreira Salles (Coffee Moreira Salles Brazilian Company) subsidiary, in 1939. From cleaning worker, he became coffee producer and acting manager in 1947, position that he held until 1951, when Mr. Moreira Salles decided to end its group coffee business. With the subsidiaries for sale, Mr. Olavo Barbosa decided to buy its first warehouse, the Armazém de Gaxupé (Gaxupe Warehouse), with capacity for 7,000 coffee bags.

The Exportadora Guaxupé (Guaxupé Exporter) was founded in 1970, when Mr. Olavo Barbosa decided to increase the capacity of coffee storage to expand operations. The second warehouse was bought in 1972 and the construction of others followed, in 1943, ‘74 and ’76. The first shipment of coffee bags was made in July 11, 1979, a batch of 2,500 bags delivered in Canada. At that time, it was also inaugurated a subsidiary in Santos, city of São Paulo state.

Since then, the company never stopped growing. Today, it has more than 30 years since its foundation, the Exportadora Guaxupé (Guaxupé Exporter) exports, nearly, 800,00 coffee bags yearly to clients in 27 countries, in all continents.


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