With more than 80 years of history, the Cooxupé (Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé Ltda / Regional Cooperative of Coffee Farmers in Guaxupé) began its activities in 1932, with the foundation of an agricultural credit cooperative, transformed in 1957 into a coffee farmers cooperative. The change took place thanks to its first members sensibility to the local needs. That year, the organization started to have coffee production as its mainly product. Shortly after, in 1959, the cooperative already exported its coffee for the first time.
Currently the Cooxupé has more than 12,000 members – 84% of them are small producers that live from its family farming -, receiving coffee produced in more than 200 municipalities of its action area, located in the South of Minas Gerais, its savannas and in the Rio Pardo valley (in the state of São Paulo). Thinking about the diversification of its business, the Cooxupé has also projects such as its own roasting, support on corn production and sale, feedmill, laboratories for soil analyses, geoprocessing, among other investments. Besides that, the cooperative comes, over the years, expanding its markets with special coffees and certificates. The Cooxupé operates at the BM&F Bovespa stock exchange and is a stock exchange board member, in addition to trading in the New York Stock Exchange and other international markets commodities.