Founded in 1999, the CECAFÉ, Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council, represents and actively promotes the development of the national and international coffee export sector. The entity supports the segment’s deals through data intelligence exchange, strategic and legal actions, apart from citizenship and social responsibility projects.

Currently, it has 139 members, among coffee exporters, producers, associations and cooperatives in Brazil, which account for 95% of all green coffee shipped to 133 countries.

A Global Coffee Plataform (GCP) is a multistakeholder plataform of sustainable coffee which brings stakeholders together in a non-competitive approach, working toward a prosperous and sustainable sector. The GCP puts in action the global agenda stablished through a public-private partnership, vision 2020, to finally improve its agriculture communities’ way of life and the environment in the coffee growing areas.

Idealized in 2006, the Produtor Informado (Informed Producer) program is aimed at familiar agriculture, small producers or rural workers aiming to encourage the digital inclusion for the information technology and notions of internet access as tools for smallholders and in its property management.

In 2016, the Cecafé understood the need of improving this project and, in partnership with a global coffee platform, decided to expand the program scope by directing it towards dissemination of good agricultural practices, with focus on sustainability. This partnership allowed Cecafé to establish partnership with important national coffee farmers players such as extension rural services, co-operatives, associations, traders and research institutes and training institutes.

At the end of the course, fieldwork combined with student’s graduation will be held in several places of its mainly coffee growing regions.


Estatísticas no Produtor Informado