The Cooabriel Cooperativa Agrária de Cafeicultores de São Gabriel (The Cooabriel Agrarian Cooperative of Coffee Farmers of São Gabriel) is the largest Conilon coffee cooperative of Brazil, with 53 years of service.

Over the years, has organised itself to support the coffee farming activity as a whole. In addition to its storage and selling services – which are its mainly services – added many other benefits to its services practices to meet its partners expectations.

Its structure allows it to follow its partners from the choice of the area to crop, offering its own laboratory for soil and plants analyses, producing and providing high genetic seedling, giving advice on management, producing, harvest, drying, improvement of coffee’s quality, besides standardized storage, selling, legal assistance and other benefits. A set of services that contributes to higher productivity and better product’s quality, which adds value, increasing the crops profitability.

The joining member, knows that his participation; his bond is not just a purely buying and selling relation. He is partner, is owner, is a user. He isn’t just a customer.  The COOABRIEL offers beyond a selling stage, a package of benefits.


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